On August 25th, AMIS Global unveiled its achievements and vision during an Institutional Investor Relations (IR) seminar targeting institutions and angel investors.
In November 2022, AMIS Global rebranded the AMIS project as an eco-friendly Electric Vehicle (EV) platform. Recognizing the rapid growth of the eco-friendly electric vehicle market and the increasing significance of early development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, AMIS Group has strategically refocused its business portfolio towards the establishment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
During the IR seminar, the AMIS Group outlined its plans for annual product launches, expansion of the global supply chain, and reinforcement of partnerships to facilitate international sales growth.
The AMIS project was initiated in 2016 in alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement to combat climate change through prevention of global warming and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Amid the global emphasis on the adoption of electric and hydrogen vehicles as part of international agreements to mitigate global warming, the AMIS project aims to actively contribute to greenhouse gas reduction efforts and environmental protection through an eco-friendly electric vehicle platform utilizing blockchain technology.
The AMIS project not only aims to establish early electric vehicle charging infrastructure but also intends to incentivize participants' greenhouse gas reduction efforts through a carbon emission rights management and rewards system utilizing blockchain. The project envisions expanding its business scope to the eco-friendly energy sector in the future, contributing further to greenhouse gas reduction efforts.
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